Friday, January 18, 2008

In other news, stalking is sort of rock and roll.

Well, I was working on another post about the songs I liked from the Rolling Stone hundred songs THING, but then I got distracted talking about one of my very favorite topics: how Ryan Adams personally insults me by continuing to not pander to my every desire.

The thing is, I think, we're honest with our friends when we're drinking about how we have expectations of musicians that amount to entitled bratty “MORE MORE” yodeling. You see this a lot with the concept of “sophomore slump.” Generally, I think it's more like Album A was of one variety and for Album B the band went in a new direction that annoys fans and critics. With me, all of my disenfranchised warbling tends to adhere to Ryan Adams—Arch Villain.

Once upon a long time ago, I fell into the sort of sordid love with Ryan Adams music that is usually only associated with self-cutting and 14 year old crying jags. I'm not even ashamed of this. I had Heartbreaker and Gold on such constant rotation that I think I bought Gold at least five times because I kept damaging the cd in my shakey-handed enthusiasm to shove it into the player in my car.

One day, Ryan Adams woke up and had an epiphany: he loathes every fiber of my being. It's taken me a long time to finally accept our break up. Yeah, I lingered and kept calling, but I sort of think he understands my behavior.

Because he is himself a lunatic.

Youtube: Making even celebrities look like fifteen year olds with no grasp on reality!


Amber said...

Your blog is awesome, and I wish for you to write more. Mostly about Gabe Saporta.

mimi said...

Ok, I will write something about my unholy love of Cobra Starship soon.